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Top 10 Weird eBay Auctions

Posted on: 02-15-2013

A lot of auctions can be strange but it could be just the thing that you need. Here are the top 10 weird eBay auctions.

10. A Virtual Hug recently sold on eBay for 75 cents on Valentine's Day.

9. 750 Grenades Plus A Soviet Rocket Launch

He had to serve five years in jail for having illegal weapons.

8. A Ghost Grandpa Cane

Collin Anderson was just 6 years old and he was horrified that the ghost of his grandfather would not leave them alone. His mother decided to just put the ghost on eBay and include the Grandfather's cane which was a metal walking cane because eBay will not allow just selling of a spirit. It was sold for $65,000 online to GoldenPalace.com.

7. Captain Kirk�s Charitable Kidney Stone

Star Trek legndary actor William Shatner started to experience painful back pains in 2005 he was rushed to the hospital. Later it was discovered that it was because of a kidney stone. The stone passed and Shatner asked to keep it. He sold the kidney stone on eBay for charity and rose over $75,000. Organ sales on eBay are prohibited but the kidney stone is exempt.

6. A Huge Piece of Mars

In the year 1962 in central Nigeria some of the Martian origin fell off. It weighed 18000 grams and in September 2005 it was placed on eBay and sold for $450,000 to geologist Dr. John Saul.

5. Roman Abramovich�s Yacht

Roman Abramovich�s Yacht sold on eBay for around $168 million and after it was sold a 50% deposit was required in order to make sure that the deal was secure.

4. Levi Strauss Denim Jeans

The oldest pair of Levi Strauss Denim Jeans sold on eBay for $46, 532. The jeans date back to the 1880s and they were discovered by a mining town located in Nevada, Texas. Levi Strauss started producing jeans back in 1873. Levi Strauss & Co. purchased the jeans.

3. A Book Depository Window

The book depository window comprised from a complete window plus frame that was from the sixth floor of the Texas Schoolbook Depository. It sold on eBay for over $3,001,501 which is almost $2 million.

2. A Russian Prototype Space Shuttle

Amazingly, this did not sell on eBay. It had bids on it but the seller had a reserve price and it went unsold. The BOR-5 Soviet Space Shuttle prototype still remains unsold.

1. Spend Your Eternity On Top Of the Famous Marilyn Monroe

Widow, Elsie Poncher was making the arrangements of her businessman husband and needed money to pay off some of the mortgage that she owned on her Beverley Hills home. She came up with a unique burial plot and that the plot to spend eternity on top of Marilyn Monroe sold for over $4.6 million.